The Eighty Six Seas
“Part story, part sonic introversion, ‘Guy and Girl’ is a song that sounds personal and feels internal. Subtle inflections in the voice help to nuance the music and carry the meaning and signature sound in a way that demands a listen. The music sneaks up on you in a subtle yet endearing way.”
Padded Waltz
Things that Padded Waltz are not:
Not here
Things that Padded Waltz are:
Humans (mostly)
Things you will say at a Padded Waltz show:
"Did they say Padded Walls?"
"They promised us cake. Where's the cake?"
"I think I like this."
"Does any one know where the cake is?"
Things Padded Waltz are supposed to say:
"We are a progressive art-pop band."
"Our influences are The Beatles, Radiohead, Fiona Apple and David Byrne. (And like a million others.)"
"Sorry about not bringing cake."